Category Archives: bake sale

>SARO To Hold Vegan Bake Sales

>Tomorrow SARO will hold the first of four vegan bake sales for October.  The profits from the bake sales go to help fund SARO’s cat rescue and foster program.  Currently, SARO is fostering 9 cats and kittens awaiting adoption. Each week they need food, litter and vet care.  Tomorrow’s bake sale, with it’s delicious treats, will be in the lobby of Marshall Hall on SUNY ESF campus from 10am to 3pm.

SARO is always looking for new baking talent.  Even if you’ve never baked before you make still have baking talent. So why don’t you check out a few vegan recipe websites ( Vegweb, VegCooking, ChooseVeg, The Post Punk Kitchen, etc ), throw on an apron and bake up a storm.  Even if tomorrow’s bake sale is too soon for you.  SARO will have another three during the weekend of October 24th, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  For all the bake sales, please drop your items off, with a list of ingredients and your contact info (so we can return your dishes) on the front porch of 708 East Raynor St. ( a block down from Sadler Hall), preferably the day before the bake sale.

When picking recipes for SARO bake sale please keep a couple of things in mind:

  • Popular items are: muffins, banana bread, apple crisp, cookies etc.
  • Students like to buy things they can eat easily and cleanly in class.
  • All items should be vegan.