Monthly Archives: February 2012

>Stand up for ducks!

Annual Valentine’s Day Foie Gras protest
Foie Gras Protest-3 year anniversary of campaigning! SARO has been
conducting a lot of public education about foie gras in Syracuse for 3 years now, particularly aimed at upscale French restaurant L’adour.
After being made aware of the inherent cruelty to ducks in foie gras
production, L’adour refuses to take the product off their menu. Please
show support for all the birds suffering on these farms by coming to
SARO’s public outreach events and contacting L’adour(contact info is
below). For more information about foie gras, please visit
What: Hold signs and distribute literature to Valentine’s day diners.
Signs and literature provided-just bring yourself and friends!
Important Note: due to the ‘upscale’ nature of the crowd and in order
to better advocate for the animals, please dress ‘business casual’.
Also, wear gloves and a hat- it feels cold being outside for an hour!
Where: L’adour Restaurant located at 110 Montgomery St. in Downtown Syracuse
When: Tuesday, Feb. 14th (Valentine’s Day) from 6pm-7pm
Carpool info: meet at the Schine Student Center loading dock(facing
Waverly Ave.) on SU Campus at 5:30pm sharp.
*other ways to help if you cannot attend*
Write: L’adour 110 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202.
Call: 315-475-7653
Fax: 315-471-9713
Keep the issue fresh in the mind of L’adour owners a patrons, and make
sure you state your opposition to L’adour serving foie gras. Feel free
to call, write and email the restaurant letting them know you want
foie gras off their menu and you don’t plan on giving them business
until then. Also feel free to write editorials to any of the local
papers regarding foie gras. Visit for more

Post-protest gathering
Join activists to warm up after the foie gras protest and socialize at Roji Tea lounge, located a half block away from L’Adour. A menu and other information about the Tea Lounge can be found here:
When: Tuesday, Feb. 14th between 7-7:30pm
Where: Roji Tea Lounge 108 E Washington St, Ste 2 Syracuse NY, 1320