Monthly Archives: July 2013

[saro_events] FW: Anyone available to help PAR Fri. Aug. 2 from 2

Anyone who can volunteer should =
contact linda directly at the contact information listed below.


> From:
> To:
> Subject: Anyo=
ne available to help PAR Fri. Aug. 2 from 2 to 5 at table at Green Planet G=
> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 11:33:20 -0400
> HI!>
> The friendly, family-owned Green Planet Grocery on W. Gene=
see Street
> in Syracuse (across from Fairmount Fair shopping cente=
r) has once
> again asked People for Animal Rights to have a table=
of animal rights and environmental
> protection literature at one =
of their special events. I have found
> volunteers to staff the ta=
ble on all shifts except one, which I still
> need to fill. Can an=
yone cover 2 to 5 on Fri. Aug. 2? This is a fun
> event as there =
are free samples (some vegan) and food to buy for
> lunch or to b=
ring home (veggie burgers on the grill, etc.). They
> usually have=
a raffle for a basket of goodies too. I’ll be setting up
> and do=
ing the 11 to 2 shift on Fri so can provide “the lay of the
> land”=
to anyone who comes to do the 2 to 5 shift.
> Linda
488-7877 (8 a.m. – 10 p.m.) or


[saro_events] The Walmart Cruelty Tour is coming to New York!!

Hey Team MFA,

I am sure many of you are already aware, but wanted to g=
ive you a heads up about some upcoming Walmart Cruelty Tour stops in your home state of New York. Some are too far for you to attend, but please&=
nbsp;come to the ones that are not and he=
lp spread the word on all of them. The more people that show up and the bet=
ter chance we have of getting on the news. You can find the links to the Fa=
cebook event pages here:

You can find the full Walmart Cruelty Tour schedule here. And all the Facebook postings here.

Any questions, just =
let me know. Thank you!


Mikael NielsenEastern Outreach Coordinator
(773) 971-3895

Mercy For Animals is dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed ani=
mals and
promoting compassionate food choices and policies.&=
delicious recipes and tips on transitioning to a cruelty=
-free lifestyle.
