Monthly Archives: June 2013

[saro_events] S.U. will kill these two cats unless..

SARO has been alerted to a situa=
tion at Haven Hall on Syracuse University campus.

Apparently, students and staff have been feeding two cats who were abandone=
d there for the past few months. However, S.U. has become aware of them and=
does not want the cats approaching students as they begin to move into the=
dorms. A staff person  at S.U. named Janice  has been =
negotiating with S.U. to try to save the cats from being killed.


The cats have been given a stay of execution until June 18th. A foster home=
needs to be found by then to save these cats lives. They are one male and =
one female, and are very friendly. The cats will be spayed/neutered, vaccin=
ated, dewormed and de-flead. All they need is a safe home to stay in for th=
e summer while a permanent home is found for them.


If you can help, please contact the staff person directly at 727-8401.=


