Category Archives: events

>A Walk and A Protest in One Day

>This past weekend was a a busy one for SARO. Okay really it was Saturday that was super busy for SARO.

Saturday morning, we hit the paved trails of Onondaga Park in Liverpool for the annual Walk For Farm Animals. SARO was joined by more than thirty walkers who walked for about an hour.  We got a little exercise and helped raise money for Farm Sanctuary. Farm Sanctuary in case you hadn’t heard is a national farm animal rescue organization based out of Watkins Glen, NY.  In Watkins Glen they have a 175-acre farm where animals come to spend their remaining years after being rescued from abuse or neglect.

This month SARO is planning a carpool-trip to Farm Sanctuary on Saturday, October 17th, just weeks before they close this year’s touring season.  The carpool cost $5.00 (gas for the drivers) and the tour is $3.00.  Please email info[AT] if you are interested in joining us.

After the Walk For Farm Animals, SARO then participated in a protest against KFC.  SARO has been doing KFC protests off and on for a few years now.  This year we changed locations from the Erie Blvd location to the Butternut St and Park St location.  This protest is in support of PETA, who called for all KFC locations nation wide to protested at until KFC changes their methods.  Please see PETA’s Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign for more ways you can help and for more information on why you shouldn’t eat at KFC.

>SARO To Protest Tonight Over Foie Gras Being Served In Syracuse

>After being made aware of the inherent cruelty to ducks in foie gras production, L’adour refuses to take the product off their menu or sign a foie gras free pledge. Please show support for all the birds suffering on these farms by coming to SARO’s public outreach events and contacting L’Adour(below). For more information about foie gras, please watch the video(s) posted below

Please visit YouTube to watch a 12 minute video call Foie Gras: Culinary Cruelty

Protest Details
What: Hold signs and distribute literature to the dinner crowd at L’Adour. Signs and literature provided-including our large ‘‘ banner. Just bring yourself and friends!
Important Note: Due to the ‘upscale’ nature of the crowd and in order
to better advocate for the animals, please dress ‘business casual’.
Where: L’Adour Restaurant, 110 Montgomery St. in Downtown Syracuse
When: Friday, September 25th from 7pm-8pm
Carpool info: Meet at the Schine Student Center loading dock(facing
Waverly Ave.) on SU Campus at 6:30pm sharp.

Other Ways You Can Help
Write: L’Adour 110 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202.
Call: 315-475-7653
Fax: 315-471-9713
Keep the issue fresh in the mind of L’Adour owners and patrons.  Please make
sure you state your opposition to L’Adour serving foie gras. Feel free
to call, write and email the restaurant letting them know you want
foie gras off their menu and you don’t plan on giving them business
until then.

>September 22 is World Carfree Day

>”World Carfree Day is an annual celebration of cities and public life, free from the noise, stress and pollution of cars. Every September 22, people from around the world get together in the streets and neighbourhoods to celebrate World Carfree Day and to remind the world that we don’t have to accept our car-dominated societies.

World Carfree Day, promoted and supported by the World Carfree Network, is intended to advance the economic, social and environmental benefits of self-propelled or mass transportation. It is meant to promote more sustainable ways of transportation and new ways of building and thinking the urbanism of our cities, allowing streets to be a living space, rather than only a transit space.

With the global economy in freefall, carmakers are facing turbulent times and people around the world are re-evaluating their relationship with the car. So now is the perfect timing to try out the alternatives, spread the carfree word, join or start a World Carfree Day in your area! It is also time to push for a new use of car factories that could be used to build public transportation, providing employment and allowing us to build a better urban environment.” [ Source: World Carfree Day Press Relaese ]

In celebration of a world without cars, we bring you two classic Walt Disney cartoons:

>Volunteering For The Hoe Down

In case you had not heard, Farm Sanctuary, the rescue organization that focuses on farm animals, had it’s annual Hoe Down in Watkins Glen, NY and SARO was there.

The event consists of a couple hundred people coming to the farm and setting up camp – literally, we were camping out for this event. After camp was set up, people were free to wander the farm and visit with the animal residents there. At certain times during the day everyone was to meet up at the “People Barn,” Farm Sanctuary’s visitor center and lecture hall, for meals, speakers, and cooking demonstrations.

SARO signed up to volunteer for this event, meaning that we were behind the scenes. Mostly we helped in the kitchen with setting up the meals, or we helped clean up the dining area when everyone was done eating. But wait, don’t think because we were doing work that we acctuall missed out on anything. Most of the work that had to be done was when people were just hanging around. The volunteers had plenty of time to visit the farm animals and we got to listen to most of the speakers. Most of us agreed that we had a great time and we probably had more fun as volunteers than we would have had we not volunteered.