>LIFE IN THE LAB – Hidden Truth about Animal Experimentation Presentation

Syracuse Animal Rights Organization and People for Animal Rights of CNY are hosting Michael Budkie, Executive Director of SAEN – Stop Animal Exploitation Now, who will be presenting the current state of animal experimentation in the United States. There will be information about laboratories here in Syracuse, as well as recently leaked photos from Primate Products, a major vivisection supplier in Florida. This event is free and open to the public. Budkie’s recent book, “Tear at the Jacket”, blows the lab doors wide open by revealing the horrors of the daily lives of primates in laboratories across the United States. Copies of this book and SAEN t-shirts will be available for purchase at the event for $15 each (cash or check only).
Where: Hazard Library, 1620 W. Genesee St., Syracuse
When: Thursday, September 30th from 7pm-8:30pm Co-sponsored by Syracuse Animal Rights Organization (SARO) and People for Animal Rights. Contact 546-5108 or 488-PURR.

>SARO September/October Events

>SARO Semester Kick-off Meetings!
What: Come learn the history and current campaigns of the only Syracuse
University based animal protection organization and learn how to get
involved! A regular meeting schedule for the next several months will be decided at this meeting. Everyone is welcome! Snacks provided!
When: Monday, September 13th at 7pm
Where: Meet in Panasci Lounge located on the 3rd(top) floor of the Schine Student Center on S.U. Campus. Look for the SARO banner.

Annual Walk for Farm Animals
An annual event that helps spread the word about the treatment of animals on factory farms and raises vital funds for the rescue, education and advocacy work of Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s largest farmed animal sanctuary, which is located in nearby Watkins Glen, NY
When: Saturday, September 25th starting at 10am
Where: Thornden Park in Syracuse
Register online at walkforfarmanimals.org

Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary
We will carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and admission. Snacks are for sale in the gift shop, but bringing a bag lunch is recommended. Wear boots or sneakers for muddy areas. Information on the sanctuary can be found here: www.farmsanctuary.org Email info@syracuseanimalrights.com to RVSP you seat or if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturday, September 18th. Carpool leaves S.U. at 10am, returns at 6pm.

World Anti-McDonalds Day Protest
Every year on October 16th people all over the world come together in peaceful protest against this corporate junk food giant to raise awareness about McDonald’s human, animal and environmental violations. Join us and our fun chicken and french fry costumes while we distribute packets of information to passerby about healthier, humane options. Free parking is available in neighboring parking lots. More info can be found at www.mccruelty.com
When: Saturday, October 16th from 12-1pm
Where: McDonald’s 2442 Erie Blvd. East Syracuse, NY

>Young Kitten Needs Foster Or Adoptive Home

‘Cici’ was plucked out of a bush this evening on the north side of Syracuse. Just old enough to have been weaned and wandering from mom, but young enough not to be feral yet, it is Cici’s lucky night. She is in a temporary foster home at the moment but can not stay long because there are too many other cats in the foster home already. Cici is approximately 10-12 weeks old. She is a black and white kitten with a handsome white zigzag between her eyes.

She will be treated for fleas, parasites, vaccinated and tested for FIV/Leukemia as soon as the vet office opens.(She was found after business hours)
Photos of Cici can be found here: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=1521472&albumID=1218220&imageID=56833307

Cici needs an adoptive forever home, but in the meantime, she needs a temporary foster home to stay for a month or two until she gains the extra pound she needs to be spayed.

For information about adopting or fostering Cici, email info@syracuseanimalrights.com

>Rescued baby rats need homes

Six baby rats, who are currently 6 weeks old, need adoptive homes. These little guys are all white with red eyes and are second generation lab rats. They were born in the ‘free world’ and have never been experimented on. While being picked up from the University psychology laboratory in New Jersey that did not want them and would have killed them if no homes where found, the female rats and male rats got mixed together for a short while. That was all the time they needed for two of the rats to get pregnant. All of the mother and father rats have found safe, lifelong homes, and now these baby rats are ready to go to theirs.They have been handled since birth and are energetic and friendly. There are four males and two females. These rats will likely live 2-4 years. They are bonded with each other and must be adopted in pairs of the same sex. There is an $8 adoption fee per pair to cover the substantial transportation and food/bedding costs so far, and which will help us continue these rescues, totaling close to 200 rats so far!

Pictures of the rats can be found in the ‘pics’ section at myspace.com/animalrights under “rescued animals for adoption & post adoption”
Email info@syracuseanimalrights.com for more information, to set up a visitation, or adoption for these little guys.

>Help stop giant feedlot/slaughterhouse proposed in Upstate NY!

>Please sign this petition and send to anyone you know who might be interested in doing the same. This giant slaughterhouse has been repelled from several other counties in our state- let’s keep it from being able to settle down!

A group of people living in or near Oswego County have been working hard against the proposal to build a 72,000 cow feedlot/slaughterhouse/manure fuel processing plant, which would cause untold animal suffering and environmental pollution. Please go to www.phoenixtalks.com to learn more and to sign the petition. You don’t have to live in Oswego County to sign the petition and the creators of the petition request that it get sent along to anyone in NY who might sign it.

>Rescued Rats need homes!

>Spring has come again, and with it, all the discarded laboratory rats used in pointless psychology experiments at colleges all across the country. Luckily, some professors are willing to surrender these rats to rescue groups instead of killing them by gas or be-heading, but only if we can find enough homes for them! We have just two weeks to find foster or ‘forever’ homes for all of these rats. Please consider opening your home to a pair of these little guys.

Syracuse Animal Rights Organization volunteers will temporarily foster and arrange transport if need be for upstate NY adopters. Please consider a small donation in lieu of an adoption fee to help cover the cost of care and transportation.

Message from The Humane League of Philadelphia:

The Humane League was recently contacted by a local university about 44 laboratory rats who were used in a basic psychology class. After being subjected to pointless experiments and confined their entire lives in individual plastic tubs where they had no contact with others, these rats were slated to be killed – but, if The Humane League can find homes for all of these rats, the university is willing to turn them over to us. Please consider opening your home to a pair(or more of these sweet, friendly, and easy to care for creatures. All are white albino males that get along well with others. Of the 20 million animals experimented on each year in the U.S., only a few hundred are freed to live the rest of their days in peace. Please help us take advantage of this opportunity, please sign up to save a life (or lives) today! If you are interested in adopting, or have questions, please email sally(at)thehumaneleague.com. We only have two weeks to find homes for all 44 or they will be killed, so please contact us today and help us spread the word!

>The Cove Screens In Syracuse


Syracuse Animal Rights Organization is proud to sponsor a local screening of The Cove, an Academy Award winning film for 2009 Best Documentary Film.

This screening will take place at Artrage Gallery (505 Hawley Avenue) on Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at 7PM. The cost to see the film is $5 which helps SARO cover the public viewing license required to show this film.

Hope to see you there!

>New York State Humane Lobby Day – March 24

>Think only professional lobbyists can lobby? Think again! The Humane Society of the United States invites you to participate in the New York State Humane Lobby Day in Albany, where you’ll make a tremendous difference for animals.

This is an exciting opportunity to meet directly with your elected officials or their staff about legislation that will significantly impact animals. There will be a briefing on tips for lobbying and an overview of pending animal legislation which will prepare you to meet your elected officials and advocate for animals. RSVP today to lend your voice for animals and make a difference in New York.

Join SARO and other community members as we travel to Albany to talk our legislators to help pass laws cracking down on animal fighters, stopping puppy mills, ending canned shoots of captive exotic wildlife, protecting farm animals from cruel treatment, and doing the right thing for animals!

The 2010 New York State Humane Lobby Day is organized by The Humane Society of the United States and co-sponsored by Farm Sanctuary, Humane Society of New York, New York League of Humane Voters, and New York State Humane Association.

A chartered bus will be leaving early morning from the Regional Transportation Center in Syracuse heading to Albany and returning in the evening after the event.
There is no registration fee for attending NYS Humane Lobby Day. Those who would like to travel on our chartered bus from Syracuse/Utica to Albany and back can purchase a seat for $26 per traveler. This fee will allow us to cover the cost of the bus. The bus will leave Syracuse at 7:45am, and make a stop for pick up in Utica at 8:30am.
Those who arrive late will forfeit their seats. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

The pick up stations are as follows:

SYRACUSE – 7:45am
Address: Regional Transportation Center

                131 Alliance Bank Pkwy
                Syracuse, NY 13208

UTICA – 8:30am
Address: 321 Main Street
                Utica, NY 13501

Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Time: 11:00am – 4:30pm
Address: Empire State Plaza Convention Center

                Meeting Rooms 2 & 3
                Albany, NY 12242


If you’d like to attend this event please RSVP for the event and RSVP for the bus.

>Meet With HSUS for Animals in Upstate New York


Join Us
Ithaca, New York
HSUS Lobby 101 Seminar

Monday, Dec. 7, 2009
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Click here to RSVP.
Watertown, New York
HSUS Lobby 101 Seminar

Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009
6 – 8 p.m.
Click here to RSVP.
Syracuse, New York
HSUS Grassroots Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2009
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Click here to RSVP.
Albany, New York
HSUS Grassroots Meeting

Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Click here to RSVP.

Dear Friend,

Great things are happening for animals across New York. I’m the New York State Director of the Humane Society of the United States and I’ll be hosting several free events throughout Upstate New York next month. I hope you’ll join me to learn how you can take action for animals. Check the list for an event near you and click the links to get more details and to RSVP.

The U.S. Congress and the New York state legislature will be considering legislation that would significantly impact animals, such as a bill to help strengthen animal fighting laws and a bill to stop the proliferation of puppy mills in New York. We want you to know the most effective ways to get involved and communicate your message.

I’ll hold two Lobby 101 seminars — Dec. 7 in Ithaca and Dec. 8 in Watertown. Lobby 101s will provide you with basic, but effective, lobby techniques for citizen activists and provide information regarding some of the bills and issues being considered this year.

I’ll also hold two grassroots meetings — Dec. 9 in Syracuse and Dec. 10 in Albany. At these grassroots meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss current issues affecting animals and receive an update on animal protection legislation in which HSUS is currently engaged.

All events are free of charge, but an RSVP is requested to attend. Click on the links to learn more and to RSVP now.

Hope to see you at one of these events!


Patrick Kwan
New York State Director
The Humane Society of the United States

P.S. Join The HSUS New York State group on Facebook. It’s free (and fun) to set up your own profile and get involved.

P.P.S. Follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/heypatrick.

>Dogs Deserve Better: Winter Outreach

>Please join SARO to remind people that a life on a chain is no life at all, but this holds especially true during the winter months.  On Saturday, December 5th SARO will be standing on the corner of Alliance Bank Pkwy and Park St asking people to please be kind to their dogs this winter and bring them indoors.

Why: To increase public awareness that having dogs on chains or in pens is not only inhumane and barbaric but also a public safety issue. More info at www.dogsdeservebetter.org
When: Saturday, December 5th, 3:30pm-4:30pm
Where: Syracuse, NY, on the corner of Alliance Bank Parkway and Park St.
NOTE: The Carousel Mall entrance is directly across the street from where we’ll be. Mapquest: Type in 2100 Park St. for the Regional Market. If you are driving to this event please park in the Regional Market or the Regional Transportation Center parking lots not in the Carousel Center parking lot.
What to bring: Signs will be provided, or bring your own. Sign ideas are:”Dogs are family, too”; “Unchain your dog”; “No chains or pens for dogs”; etc.

Please remember to DRESS WARMLY!  We will be in the shade and it will be much cooler than you might expect.

Demonstration Location Map:

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