[saro_events] Vegan Support group in Auburn

Vegans and those on your way to a plant-based diet –


We will gather on Monday, September 23 at 6:30 p=
m at the Ward O’Hara Agricultural Museum located in Auburn on Rou=
te 38A, just across the street from Emerson Park. (For those of you who nee=
d directions, visit www.cayuganet.org/agmuse=


Over the summer it was heartwarming to=
welcome new friends, and I am optimistic that new faces will be showing up=
in the months ahead. Please be sure to encourage any of your like-minded f=
amily members, friends and acquaintances to come and experience delicious v=
egan dining in the company of wonderful people!


Bring a dish to pass, the recipe and a place set=
ting. Also, for adults, if you could help out with the cost of using the ro=
om at the Ag Museum by placing a $5.00 donation in the basket provided, tha=
t would be appreciated. No one will be turned away if this would cause hard=


This month will mark the one year anniversary of=
our meetings. Isn’t that great?


See you Monday!



Amber Canavan
Studies Major
Environment, Communication and Society
SUNY College of=
Environmental Science and Forestry


[saro_events] dogwalkers needed a SPCA

Paws in Motion Seeking Volunteers!

in Motion is the dog walking/running program at the CNY SPCA animal=20
shelter in Syracuse, NY.  The program’s goal is to increase=20
socialization, exercise, and the overall adoption potential of the dogs=20
staying at the shelter.
Paws in =
Motion is looking for volunteers to help run or walk dogs all year rou=
volunteers should contact CNY SPCA regarding up-coming volunteer=20
orientation dates, hours of operation, and general information at: CNYSPCA

To volunteer:

E-mail Dawn Lammert at


Amber Canavan
Environmental Stud=
ies Major
Environment, Communication and Society
SUNY College of Envi=
ronmental Science and Forestry


[saro_events] Meeting schedule and more

The weekly meeting schedule for the Fall 2013 =
semester will be Wednesdays from 7-8pm in 110 Moon Library.

ing on 9/18/13- Fall Semester planning
110 Moon Library,=
SUNY ESF campus
When: Wednesdays from 7-8pm
What: This
will be the first meeting of the semester. At this first meeting, we will =
go through a binder containing hundreds of fliers and news clipping from pa=
st SARO events and brainstorm for the future. Bring in an idea of something=
you would like to organize through SARO, or would like to volunteer for on=
e of the ideas listed below. Ideas include but are not limited to: protest =
at KFC for numerous animal welfare violations, hot cider/bakesale in Marsha=
ll Hall, info table in Schine student center to find students who can foste=
r cats, volunteer day at spay/neuter clinic, kickstarter campaign to re-pri=
nt the Syracuse vegguide.

Day Trip visit to Farm SanctuaryWe will carpool down to visit the=20
rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per
person covers gas/tolls and admission, and SARO funds will cover the=20
rest. Snacks and microwaveable meals are for sale in the gift shop, but=20
bringing a bag lunch is recommended. . Wear boots or sneakers for muddy=20
areas on the farm. Information on the sanctuary can be found here: www.farmsanctuary.org Email alcoon (at) syr.edu with your name and phone number to reserve your seat or if you have a ve=
hicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturday, Septemb=
er 21st
leaves ESF campus at 9am, returns at 6pm. Meet at the statue of Abe=20
Lincoln next to Illick Hall on SUNY ESF for the carpool.

Non-SARO ev=

Part 1 of a lecture by Prof. Tony Ingraffea, one of the m=
knowledgeable, articulate and hard-working opponents of fracking f=
natural gas in NYS.
Time-Warner public access channel 98 from 10=
p.m. to 11 p.m. on the
following Saturdays: sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept.=
28 and Oct. 5

“Sharing the Earth” TV is a project of People for An=
imal Rights, P.O.
Box 15358, Syracuse 13215-0358, (315)488-PURR, LDEST=

WHEN: Sat. Oct. 12, 2013
TIME: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Dog Daze Pet Shop, 309 S. Main St., N. Syracuse.
Directions: (315) 410-1278.
Eileen sings,composes and plays mountain dulcimer. She plays with
several local groups with a variety of music.
No admission but donations accepted to help the animals.
See peopleforanimalrightsofcny.org

Amber Canavan
Environmental Studies Major
onment, Communication and Society
SUNY College of Environmental Science =
and Forestry


[saro_events] Postponed: Day Trip to Farm Sanctuary

Due to the availability of way m=
ore people to attend, the day trip to Farm Sanctuary has been moved to Satu=
rday, September 21st. Reserve your seat ASAP if you want to go as seats are=
going to fill up fast!

Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary
We will =
carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in beautiful Wa=
tkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and admission, and SARO fun=
ds will cover the rest. Snacks and microwaveable meals are for sale in the =
gift shop, but bringing a bag lunch is recommended. . Wear boots or sneaker=
s for muddy areas on the farm. Information on the sanctuary can be found he=
re: www.farmsanctuary.org Email alcoon (at) syr.edu to reserve your seat or=
if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturda=
y, September 21st
Carpool: leaves ESF campus at 9am, returns at 6pm. Mee=
t at the statue of Abe Lincoln next to Illick Hall on SUNY ESF for the carp=

Amber Canavan
Environmental Studies Major
Environment, Co=
mmunication and Society
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forest=


[saro_events] Weekly meeting poll- respond asap

Hey Everyone,

We need to =
get our weekly meeting schedule figured out pretty quickly. If you intend t=
o attend meetings this semester, please respond to this poll by no later th=
an Friday at 10pm. If you aren’t a member of the SARO FB group, make sure t=
o join!

Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SyrAnimalRights/=

Amber Canavan
President, SARO
Environmental Studies
vironment, Communication and Society
SUNY College of Environmental Scien=
ce and Forestry


[saro_events] Welcome to SARO

Welcome back everyone and hello to the 60 new people who signed up our email
list today at the S.U. Involvement Fair. Below is information about some
upcoming Syracuse Animal Rights Organization events- including our kick-off
meeting, which is in just a few hours! See you soon!

SARO Kick-Off Meeting
This meeting will be an introduction to SARO, what the club has done in the
past, and possibilities for future events. We will also be looking to get
everyone signed up for a shift at the table in Marshall Foyer to recruit new
members or hold a bake sale. We will be determining our regular weekly
meeting schedule for the semester at this meeting.
When: Wednesday, September 11th from 7-8pm
Where: Room 110 Moon Library, ESF Campus

Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary (People with cars needed!)
We will carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in
beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and admission,
SARO funds will cover the rest. Snacks and microwaveable meals are for sale
the gift shop, but bringing a bag lunch is recommended. . Wear boots or
sneakers for muddy areas on the farm. Information on the sanctuary can be
found here: www.farmsanctuary.org Email alcoon (at) syr.edu to reserve your
seat or if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturday, September 14th.
Carpool: leaves ESF campus at 9am, returns at 6pm. Meet at the statue of Abe
Lincoln next to Illick Hall on SUNY ESF for the carpool.

Foster home needed for rescued cats
Because adoption rates are so slow at this time, especially for adult cats,
the Cat Coalition of Central New York is seeking temporary foster homes for
cats in their care to give them a rest from ‘shelter life’. If you or someone
you know has an apartment, and the time to care for a cat(or a pair!), email
alcoon (at) syr.edu if you are able to help one of these guys. Food and
litter box etc can be supplied if needed.

You may unsubscribe to the SARO_Events list at any time by sending an email
to saro_events-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net

Amber Canavan
Syracuse Animal Rights Organization President
Environmental Studies
Environment, Communication and Society
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

You may unsubscribe to the SARO_Events list at any time by sending an email to saro_events-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net

[saro_events] Kick-Off meeting tonight! See you there!

Welcome back everyone!


 Volunteers needed for SU Involvement Fair Table(Today!)

 The SU Student Activity Fair is a great way to reach out to incoming =

 SARO will have a table there and we need some help staffing it. We wi=
ll have a

 table with our email sign-up sheet, fliers about our meetings, and fr=

 stickers and literature for people to pick up. Email Amber at alcoon@=

 if you can help out for any part of the fair.

 When: Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30-3pm

 Where: Syracuse University quad


 Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary (People with cars needed!)

 We will carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary i=

 beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and admis=
sion, and

 SARO funds will cover the rest. Snacks and microwaveable meals are fo=
r sale in

 the gift shop, but bringing a bag lunch is recommended. . Wear boots =

 sneakers for muddy areas on the farm. Information on the sanctuary ca=
n be

 found here: www.farmsanctuary.org Email alcoon (at) syr.edu to reserv=
e your

 seat or if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.

 When: Saturday, September 14th.

 Carpool: leaves ESF campus at 9am, returns at 6pm. Meet at the statue=
of Abe

 Lincoln next to Illick Hall on SUNY ESF for the carpool.


 SARO Kick-Off Meeting

 This meeting will be an introduction to SARO, what the club has done =
in the

 past, and possibilities for future events. We will also be looking to=

 everyone signed up for a shift at the table in Marshall Foyer to recr=
uit new

 members or hold a bake sale. We will be determining our regular weekl=
y meeting schedule for the semester at this meeting.

 When: Wednesday, September 11th from 7-8pm

 Where: Room 110 Moon Library, ESF Campus


 Foster home needed for rescued cats

 Because adoption rates are so slow at this time, especially for adult=

 the Cat Coalition of Central New York is seeking temporary foster hom=
es for

 cats in their care to give them a rest from ‘shelter life’. If you or=

 you know has an apartment, and the time to care for a cat(or a pair!)=
, email

 alcoon (at) syr.edu if you are able to help one of these guys. Food a=

 litter box etc can be supplied if needed.



 You may unsubscribe to the SARO_Events list at any time by sending an=
email to saro_events-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net


Amber Canavan
Environmental Studies Major
Environment, Communicat=
ion and Society
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry


[saro_events] Kick-Off meeting, Farm Sanctuary visit,

Welcome back everyone!

Volunteers needed for SU Involvement Fair Table
The SU Student Activity Fair is a great way to reach out to incoming freshmen.
SARO will have a table there and we need some help staffing it. We will have a
table with our email sign-up sheet, fliers about our meetings, and free
stickers and literature for people to pick up. Email Amber at alcoon@syr.edu
if you can help out for any part of the fair.
When: Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30-3pm
Where: Syracuse University quad

Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary
We will carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in
beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and admission, and
SARO funds will cover the rest. Snacks and microwaveable meals are for sale in
the gift shop, but bringing a bag lunch is recommended. . Wear boots or
sneakers for muddy areas on the farm. Information on the sanctuary can be
found here: www.farmsanctuary.org Email alcoon (at) syr.edu to reserve your
seat or if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturday, September 14th.
Carpool: leaves ESF campus at 9am, returns at 6pm. Meet at the statue of Abe
Lincoln next to Illick Hall on SUNY ESF for the carpool.

SARO Kick-Off Meeting
This meeting will be an introduction to SARO, what the club has done in the
past, and possibilities for future events. We will also be looking to get
everyone signed up for a shift at the table in Marshall Foyer to recruit new
members or hold a bakesale.
When: Wednesday, September 11th from 7-8pm
Where: TBD- awaiting room reservation confirmation

Foster home needed for rescued cats
Because adoption rates are so slow at this time, especially for adult cats,
the Cat Coalition of Central New York is seeking temporary foster homes for
cats in their care to give them a rest from ‘shelter life’. If you or someone
you know has an apartment, and the time to care for a cat(or a pair!), email
alcoon (at) syr.edu if you are able to help one of these guys. Food and
litter box etc can be supplied if needed.

You may unsubscribe to the SARO_Events list at any time by sending an email to saro_events-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net

[saro_events] FW: Anyone available to help PAR Fri. Aug. 2 from 2

Anyone who can volunteer should =
contact linda directly at the contact information listed below.


> From: ldestefano3@twcny.rr.com
> To:
> Subject: Anyo=
ne available to help PAR Fri. Aug. 2 from 2 to 5 at table at Green Planet G=
> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 11:33:20 -0400
> HI!>
> The friendly, family-owned Green Planet Grocery on W. Gene=
see Street
> in Syracuse (across from Fairmount Fair shopping cente=
r) has once
> again asked People for Animal Rights to have a table=
of animal rights and environmental
> protection literature at one =
of their special events. I have found
> volunteers to staff the ta=
ble on all shifts except one, which I still
> need to fill. Can an=
yone cover 2 to 5 on Fri. Aug. 2? This is a fun
> event as there =
are free samples (some vegan) and food to buy for
> lunch or to b=
ring home (veggie burgers on the grill, etc.). They
> usually have=
a raffle for a basket of goodies too. I’ll be setting up
> and do=
ing the 11 to 2 shift on Fri so can provide “the lay of the
> land”=
to anyone who comes to do the 2 to 5 shift.
> Linda
488-7877 (8 a.m. – 10 p.m.) or ldestefano3@twcny.rr.com


[saro_events] The Walmart Cruelty Tour is coming to New York!!

Hey Team MFA,

I am sure many of you are already aware, but wanted to g=
ive you a heads up about some upcoming Walmart Cruelty Tour stops in your home state of New York. Some are too far for you to attend, but please&=
nbsp;come to the ones that are not and he=
lp spread the word on all of them. The more people that show up and the bet=
ter chance we have of getting on the news. You can find the links to the Fa=
cebook event pages here:

You can find the full Walmart Cruelty Tour schedule here. And all the Facebook postings here.

Any questions, just =
let me know. Thank you!


Mikael NielsenEastern Outreach Coordinator
(773) 971-3895

Mercy For Animals is dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed ani=
mals and
promoting compassionate food choices and policies.&=
Visit ChooseVeg.com
delicious recipes and tips on transitioning to a cruelty=
-free lifestyle.
