Welcome back everyone!
Volunteers needed for SU Involvement Fair Table(Today!)
The SU Student Activity Fair is a great way to reach out to incoming =
SARO will have a table there and we need some help staffing it. We wi=
ll have a
table with our email sign-up sheet, fliers about our meetings, and fr=
stickers and literature for people to pick up. Email Amber at alcoon@=
if you can help out for any part of the fair.
When: Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30-3pm
Where: Syracuse University quad
Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary (People with cars needed!)
We will carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary i=
beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and admis=
sion, and
SARO funds will cover the rest. Snacks and microwaveable meals are fo=
r sale in
the gift shop, but bringing a bag lunch is recommended. . Wear boots =
sneakers for muddy areas on the farm. Information on the sanctuary ca=
n be
found here: www.farmsanctuary.org Email alcoon (at) syr.edu to reserv=
e your
seat or if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturday, September 14th.
Carpool: leaves ESF campus at 9am, returns at 6pm. Meet at the statue=
of Abe
Lincoln next to Illick Hall on SUNY ESF for the carpool.
SARO Kick-Off Meeting
This meeting will be an introduction to SARO, what the club has done =
in the
past, and possibilities for future events. We will also be looking to=
everyone signed up for a shift at the table in Marshall Foyer to recr=
uit new
members or hold a bake sale. We will be determining our regular weekl=
y meeting schedule for the semester at this meeting.
When: Wednesday, September 11th from 7-8pm
Where: Room 110 Moon Library, ESF Campus
Foster home needed for rescued cats
Because adoption rates are so slow at this time, especially for adult=
the Cat Coalition of Central New York is seeking temporary foster hom=
es for
cats in their care to give them a rest from ‘shelter life’. If you or=
you know has an apartment, and the time to care for a cat(or a pair!)=
, email
alcoon (at) syr.edu if you are able to help one of these guys. Food a=
litter box etc can be supplied if needed.
You may unsubscribe to the SARO_Events list at any time by sending an=
email to saro_events-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net