No meeting due to hurricane

Hey Everyone,
Due to the warning from the below email, I think it would be best to cancel the meeting tonight. I don’t think it would be safe for anyone walking or riding bikes to campus, and the likelihood of a loss of power would make it impossible to watch Peaceable Kingdom.
We will continue our weekly meetings next Monday.
Stay safe and getting some studying done!

Syracuse Animal Rights Organization

Pour beer to help cats

The CNY Cat Coalition is in need of help for one of our biggest fundraisers. We have been pouring beer at the SU dome for a number of years. This has enabled us to spay and neuter many cats. We are looking for beer pourers. This is not a hard job and only lasts through the first half of any game. When beer pouring ends you are free to watch the rest of the game. Requirements, long pants, closed toe shoes, and nothing sleeveless. This is a great volunteer oppurtunity for students without cars, since it is on campus.

We have 3 football games left they are as follows:
Date Game Time Show up time for volunteers
October 5, 2012 7:00 5:00
October 19, 2012 8:00 6:00
November 11, 2012 Unknown will post when time is available

If you can help please let Michelle Powers know at 812-599-5983 or Marietta Rowe at
315-455-2157. Leave a message and we will get back to you .
We also pour beer for Basketball Season and will be posting that schedule as soon as it is available. Many cats will be grateful for your help.

Food day vegan potluck

Celebrate World Food Day: potluck and movie screening
Come enjoy delicious food while watching “Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home”, which is a documentary about the farmed animal sanctuary movement. You can view the trailer here: Preview for Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home There will be information about local farmed animal sanctuaries, as well as recipe booklets for healthy, cruelty free food. The potluck will be strictly vegan( no meat, dairy or eggs), with an emphasis on local, organic food. Bring a dish to share- either an entree, side, desert or drink. If you cannot bring food to share, bring a $5 donation to be dontated to the Food Day organization that is hosting this national event.
When: Tuesday, October 16th from 6pm-9pm
Where: 530 Clarendon St. Syracuse, NY 13210. The house is green and is located one block off of Westcott St. Free street parking is available.
This event will be held at a private residence, so please be respectful of the space. There will be an oven and a microwave to heat food if needed.

Bakesale, cats and rats.

Meeting Day Changed
At the meeting last week, the subject of a better meeting day was discussed. It was decided that Mondays at 7pm are the best time for SARO to hold general interest meetings. We hope this works well and for anyone who still cannot attend meetings, please help out at any of the upcoming events!

SARO General Interest Meeting
When: Every Monday (except X-Mas eve) at 7pm for the Fall 2012 semester
Where: Marshall Hall room 110

SARO Vegan Bake Sale
SARO will be hosting another day trip visit to Farm Sanctuary to visit the rescued animals and to support the sanctuary. Details on the trip will be announced shortly. To reach that goal, SARO will run a bake sale to cover gas and the tour fee. Help by baking and delivering your baked goods the morning of the bake sale, or volunteering to sit at the table and sell the baked goods. Bakes goods can also be left on the porch at 530 Clarendon St. the night before for inclusion in the bake sale. Make sure to leave a note with your contact info so we can return your Tupperware!
What: Vegan bake sale( all baked goods contain no dairy, eggs or other animal products)
Where: in the front entrance Lobby of Marshall Hall on SUNY ESF campus
When: From 9am-2pm Monday, September 17th

Rescued rat needs a home
A Syracuse Animal Rights Organization volunteer is currently fostering a 1-2 year old male hooded(black and white) rat. He was surrendered into foster care due to aggression toward his cage mate. He is a very well socialized male rat, who enjoys human attention. There is a $3 adoption fee per rat to help cover supplies used for the care of this rat. A phone interview is required to determine potential adopters have adequate housing and a plan for the last 2-3 years of their lives. Contact Amber at if you are interested in adopting.

SARO cat foster program
SARO is attempting to assist the low cost spay and neuter clinic Spay and Neuter Syracuse (SANS) with the abandoned cats who were just left carriers in the parking lot. There are different colors, sexes, and temperaments, and they would all love to be in a foster home instead of living in a medical space that is not prepared to house cats. If you live off campus(dorms do not allow animals) and would like to foster a cat or two for the semester, email Amber at Supplies such as litter boxes, food and litter can be provided if needed.

July & August Events

Day Trip visit to Farm Sanctuary
We will carpool down to visit the rescued animals at Farm Sanctuary in
beautiful Watkins Glen, NY. $15 per person covers gas/tolls and
admission. Snacks are for sale in the gift shop, but bringing a bag
lunch is recommended. We will likely take the long way home through
Ithaca, and get vegan pizza. Bring extra money if you want pizza. Wear
boots or sneakers for muddy areas on the farm.
Information on the sanctuary can be found here: Email alcoon (at) to reserve your seat or if you have a vehicle and would like to help the carpool.
When: Saturday, August 18th. Carpool leaves Recess Cafe 110 Harvard Pl. at 9am, returns at 6pm.

Volunteers needed at adoptathon
volunteer is needed to clean up after cats, make sure people aren’t
poking or harassing the cats, and bringing cats from cages into visiting
room to visit potential adopters. Any two hour slot during this all-day
adoptathon would be appreciated to give adoption organizers a lunch
break. Email alcoon (at) if you want to volunteer.
When: 9am-7pm on Saturday, July 14th
Where: adoption center inside Petsmart  3553 W Genesee St, Syracuse NY

Foster home needed for neutered male cat
the cats that SARO members are fostering, a two are in need of an
alternative foster home. They are both neutered male tuxedo cats. They
are very friendly and loving toward people, but the prefer to live
without other cats. So, we are looking for preferably two separate
foster homes to take these boys in. Because adoption rates are so slow
at this time, especially for adult cats, we would prefer the foster home
be able to care for them for at least three months so they can settle
down until adoption rate pick up again in the fall.  Food and supplies can be supplied if needed. Email alcoon (at) if you are able to help one of these boys.  You can view Dom’s
profile here:

Pre Kick-Off Meeting meeting
meeting is for people in SARO who have already been to at least one
SARO meeting or event to get together right at the beginning of the
to plan our first kick-off meeting and to get everyone signed up for a
shift at the table SARO will have at both the ESF and S.U. Student
involvment fairs in order to recruit new members. The meeting will be on
SUNY ESF campus, room number and building TBD. Click the
link below and enter the time slots you are available on Tuesday, August
28th so we can determine the best time for the meeting:

Vegan BBQ/bonfire

See the event here:

Vegan Potluck in Marcellus
See the event here:

April events

Worcester, MA Vegfest
When: Saturday April 15th
Where: Worcester, MA
Carpool info: We can fit up to 4 people in this carpool, and each person will contribute to gas a tolls, which will be between $20-30 each, depending on how many people come. The carpool needs to leave between the hours of 11am and 5pm on Saturday, April 14th and will return to Syracuse either late evening on Sunday the 15th or early morning on the 16th. All Syracuse carpoolers will enjoy free housing overnight at the GoGo Collective, an old farm house turned into a housing collective and farm. Carpool times are entirely dependent on who is joining the carpool and what fits everyone’s schedule the best. Email Amber at alcoon @ if you are interested in coming to Vegfest with any restrictions on carpool departure times.
About the vegfest: The VegFest itself is free, but you are encouraged to bring money so we can enjoy meals at the many local vegan restaurants there, as well as make purchases at the Vegfest( if the vendors don’t sell things, they will be less likely to come to the next vegfest) Find out more about the amazing speakers and presentations you will find at Vegfest: and RSVP on Facebook here:

ESF Earth day table
SARO has signed up to host an information table at this year’s Earth Day Fair at SUNY ESF
What: We need an extra person or two to help out by sitting at the table and encouraging people to sign up to our email list and take literature about the devastating effects that animal agriculture has on the environment. Stop by and offer to take over for a bit so the current person can have a break, or just join in to help out.
When: 12noon-3pm on Monday, April 16th
Where: the fair and information tables will be ringing the quad on SUNY ESF campus

Spring Semester General Interest meetings
What: Come learn the history and current campaigns of the only Syracuse
University based animal protection organization and learn how to get
involved! Help organize events such as potlucks, bakesales, protests and animal rescue/fostering.
When: Tuesdays from 7pm-8pm
So, March 27th, April 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th, May 1st and 8th.
Where: Room 110 Marshall Hall on Suny- ESF campus( literally a zero minute walk from S.U. campus) You can find a map of ESF campus here:

Spring Semester General Interest meetings
What: Come learn the history and current campaigns of the only Syracuse
University based animal protection organization and learn how to get
involved! Help organize events such as potlucks, bakesales, protests and animal rescue/fostering. RSVP for, and chat about this event here:
When: Tuesdays from 7pm-8pm *Note: there will be no meeting during Spring Break on Tuesday March 13th
So, March 6th, 20th, and 27th, April 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th, May 1st and 8th.
Where: Room 110 Marshall Hall on Suny- ESF campus( literally a zero minute walk from S.U. campus) You can find a map of ESF campus here:

“Peaceable Kingdom” Screening and Vegan Ice Cream Sundae Bar
Join Syracuse Animal Rights Organization and the ESF Insomniacs to host our 6th annual vegan Ice Cream Social! Enjoy some of seven plus gallons of organic, fair trade vegan ice cream(soy, nut and gluten free options available) topped with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, berries, candy bars and more while watching Peaceable Kingdom, a documentary about rescued farm animals the people who rescued them.
Watch the film’s trailer here:
RSVP for this event here:
This event is free and open to the public- ESF, S.U. and non-students are welcome to attend.
When: Friday, March 23rd from 10pm-2am
Where: Nifkin Lounge, which is is the basement of Marshall Hall on SUNY ESF campus in Syracuse, NY. You can find a map of the ESF campus here:

Meatout vegan food sample giveaway
What: Stop by to get your free sample of a tofurky sandwich, handouts with great recipes, and a chance to win and iPad 2!
Meatout is an international observance hosted by the Farm Animal Rights Movement, and Syracuse will be just one of hundreds of events around the country happening on the same day. The purpose is to expose the public to the joys and benefits of a plant-based diet, while promoting the availability and selection of meat and dairy alternatives in mainstream grocery stores, restaurants, and catering operations. Visitors are asked to “kick the meat habit on March 20 (first day of spring) and explore a wholesome, nonviolent diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.”
When: Tuesday, March 20th from 10am-2pm
Where: The information tables located in the front foyer in Marshall Hall on SUNY-ESF campus. ( literally a zero minute walk from S.U. campus)

>Stand up for ducks!

Annual Valentine’s Day Foie Gras protest
Foie Gras Protest-3 year anniversary of campaigning! SARO has been
conducting a lot of public education about foie gras in Syracuse for 3 years now, particularly aimed at upscale French restaurant L’adour.
After being made aware of the inherent cruelty to ducks in foie gras
production, L’adour refuses to take the product off their menu. Please
show support for all the birds suffering on these farms by coming to
SARO’s public outreach events and contacting L’adour(contact info is
below). For more information about foie gras, please visit
What: Hold signs and distribute literature to Valentine’s day diners.
Signs and literature provided-just bring yourself and friends!
Important Note: due to the ‘upscale’ nature of the crowd and in order
to better advocate for the animals, please dress ‘business casual’.
Also, wear gloves and a hat- it feels cold being outside for an hour!
Where: L’adour Restaurant located at 110 Montgomery St. in Downtown Syracuse
When: Tuesday, Feb. 14th (Valentine’s Day) from 6pm-7pm
Carpool info: meet at the Schine Student Center loading dock(facing
Waverly Ave.) on SU Campus at 5:30pm sharp.
*other ways to help if you cannot attend*
Write: L’adour 110 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202.
Call: 315-475-7653
Fax: 315-471-9713
Keep the issue fresh in the mind of L’adour owners a patrons, and make
sure you state your opposition to L’adour serving foie gras. Feel free
to call, write and email the restaurant letting them know you want
foie gras off their menu and you don’t plan on giving them business
until then. Also feel free to write editorials to any of the local
papers regarding foie gras. Visit for more

Post-protest gathering
Join activists to warm up after the foie gras protest and socialize at Roji Tea lounge, located a half block away from L’Adour. A menu and other information about the Tea Lounge can be found here:
When: Tuesday, Feb. 14th between 7-7:30pm
Where: Roji Tea Lounge 108 E Washington St, Ste 2 Syracuse NY, 1320

>Kick-Off Meeting and Annual Foie Gras Protest

>Spring Semester Kick-off meeting

What: Come learn the history and current campaigns of the only Syracuse
University based animal protection organization and learn how to get
involved! A regular meeting schedule for the next several months will be decided at this meeting. Everyone is welcome! Snacks provided!
When: Wednesday, January 25th from 7-8pm

Where:Room 321 in Bray Hall on Suny- ESF campus( literally a zero minute walk from S.U. campus)

Annual Valentine’s Day Foie Gras protest

Foie Gras Protest-3 year anniversary of campaigning! SARO has been
conducting a lot of public education about foie gras in Syracuse for 3 years now, particularly aimed at upscale French restaurant L’adour.
After being made aware of the inherent cruelty to ducks in foie gras
production, L’adour refuses to take the product off their menu. Please
show support for all the birds suffering on these farms by coming to
SARO’s public outreach events and contacting L’adour(contact info is
below). For more information about foie gras, please visit
What: Hold signs and distribute literature to Valentine’s day diners.
Signs and literature provided-just bring yourself and friends!
Important Note: due to the ‘upscale’ nature of the crowd and in order
to better advocate for the animals, please dress ‘business casual’.
Also, wear gloves and a hat- it feels cold being outside for an hour!
Where: L’adour Restaurant located at 110 Montgomery St. in Downtown Syracuse
When: Tuesday, Feb. 14th (Valentine’s Day) from 6pm-7pm
Carpool info: meet at the Schine Student Center loading dock(facing
Waverly Ave.) on SU Campus at 5:30pm sharp.
*other ways to help if you cannot attend*
Write: L’adour 110 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202.
Call: 315-475-7653
Fax: 315-471-9713
Keep the issue fresh in the mind of L’adour owners a patrons, and make
sure you state your opposition to L’adour serving foie gras. Feel free
to call, write and email the restaurant letting them know you want
foie gras off their menu and you don’t plan on giving them business
until then. Also feel free to write editorials to any of the local
papers regarding foie gras. Visit for more

>Fur Free Friday 2011 Protest

Fur Free Friday 2011
What: Every year, millions of animals are electrocuted, poisoned, or skinned alive for their fur. Join hundred of people across the country to protest the horrendous fur trade on the busiest shopping day of the year. Signs and leaflets will be provided. Not in Syracuse for the holiday? Visit to find an event near you.
When: Friday, November 25th from 12noon-1pm
Where: Skaneateles Furs at 42 E Genesee St Skaneateles, NY
Note: Dress appropriately for the weather! Wear gloves, hats, scarves, legwarmers etc. The shop is on the shore of a lake, and the wind coming off of it is very chilly!

S.U. Carpool Information: Meet at the Schine Student Center loading dock located at Waverly Avenue( near where University Ave. dead-ends onto Waverly) on the edge of S.U. campus promptly at 11am. Look for a silver car. People who are late may be left behind- we need to get to Skaneateles with enough time to find parking and walk to the fur store and cannot wait around for people who are late.