>Help SARO Kick-off a New School Year

>It’s that time of year again.  The fresh faces of new students beginning their college life and the return of seasoned upperclassmen and women have started to appear on Syracuse University campus, with classes starting on Monday, August 31.  SARO is gearing up for the new school year with our semester kick-off meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 10th at 7pm on SU campus.  The meeting will be in room 101 in the Hall of Languages.  If you have any interest in helping animals in the Central New York, check your calendar, save the date, and join us at the meeting. 

This year SARO wants to help you have a cruelty-free ThanksgivingIn keeping with that idea SARO will be raffling off a Tofurky Roast and Gravy pack for you to enjoy for Thanksgiving.  Raffle tickets are $2.00 each and can be purchased at any SARO event beginning September 5th.  The raffle will be drawn on Monday, November 2nd at the end of our Healthy Monday event.  We will also be taking preorders, for Earth’s Own Natural Market & Cafe, for Tofurky Roasts so that you will not miss out on having one of these mouthwatering babies on your Thanksgiving table.

>Petland: From Birth to Death Animals Suffer

>Since November 2008, when The Humane Society of the United States(HSUS) revealed that they had done an eight-month long investigation into Petland and it’s puppies for sale, SARO has joined with HSUS to get the only New York location to stop selling puppies that come from puppy mills.

A few weeks ago, PETA discovered a disturbing photograph (pictured right) and comments posted on Facebook by then Petland employee Elizabeth Carlisle, who worked at the store in Akron, Ohio. The photo shows a grinning Carlisle posing for the camera as she scruffs the bodies of two dead, soaking wet rabbits. Carlisle admitted to a Facebook friend that she drowned the rabbits, claiming that her manager took the photograph while Carlisle was "swearing at [the rabbits] to just hurry up and die … " Currently Carlisle faces a year in jail for animal cruelty.

It appears Petland can’t provide the basic supervision and care necessary to keep the animals it sells healthy and safe.

Ask Petland to stop selling rabbits now! (This is a PETA Action Alert)

>Action Alert – Last Days For Public Comment

>With only three days left to submit public comment now is not the time to remain quite. Please speak out for the deer, raccoons, and other animals by telling New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation officials that hunting has no place in Green Lakes State Park.

Send your (polite) comments to Mark Hohengasser of the Planning Bureau telling what you think of the plan to bring hunting to Green Lakes.

Mark Hohengasser

Or if you prefer PETA has started an email for you at https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2383 .

After you submit your comments please visit http://SaveGreenLakesWildlife.com and sign the petition.

>Volunteering For The Hoe Down

In case you had not heard, Farm Sanctuary, the rescue organization that focuses on farm animals, had it’s annual Hoe Down in Watkins Glen, NY and SARO was there.

The event consists of a couple hundred people coming to the farm and setting up camp – literally, we were camping out for this event. After camp was set up, people were free to wander the farm and visit with the animal residents there. At certain times during the day everyone was to meet up at the “People Barn,” Farm Sanctuary’s visitor center and lecture hall, for meals, speakers, and cooking demonstrations.

SARO signed up to volunteer for this event, meaning that we were behind the scenes. Mostly we helped in the kitchen with setting up the meals, or we helped clean up the dining area when everyone was done eating. But wait, don’t think because we were doing work that we acctuall missed out on anything. Most of the work that had to be done was when people were just hanging around. The volunteers had plenty of time to visit the farm animals and we got to listen to most of the speakers. Most of us agreed that we had a great time and we probably had more fun as volunteers than we would have had we not volunteered.

>Bangging On Ft. Drum

>Members of SARO joined PETA to protest the cruel use of animals at Ft. Drum.

From PETA:

Thousands of live animals are shot, stabbed, dismembered, burned, and poisoned every year in Department of Defense (DoD) training exercises, designed to train medics and infantry in how to treat various human battlefield injuries. Fort Drum plans to fatally wound live animals for the sole purpose of treating their traumatic injuries.

Mutilating living animals to teach military medics how to treat injuries in humans is both unethical and ineffective. The physiology and anatomy of non-human animals are drastically different from that of humans, and more sophisticated non-animal simulators are used in most medical schools and at several military trauma centers.

We need your help in urging Fort Drum to end its outdated trauma-training exercises on animals and adopt one of the many non-animal methods – such as rotations in military trauma hospitals and the use of the DoD’s own Combat Trauma Patient Simulator.

Please be sure to send PETA’s automated letter to your congressional representative and senators asking them to urge President Obama to ban military trauma exercises on animals.

>Ringling Bros. Circus Is Caught Abusing Animals Again

>People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has released a video to the media showing what one man, posing as a stagehand for six months, had to witness. As seen in the video the elephants where beat for no reason at all, making seem as if they can’t do anything right.

PETA has filed charges under Animal Welfare Act governed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. PETA also plans to file charges in each of the states where the abuse took place, including New York, when the circus was at Madison Square Garden, in New York City.

From 2005 to 2008 the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s own Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service noted 24 violations of animal mishandling out of 52 inspections.

Watch Video

>In Wisconson Someone Trys To Put Their Wiener(mobile) Where It Does Not Belong


MOUNT PLEASANT (Wisconsin) – The owner of a southern Wisconsin house might not be in love with the Oscar Mayer wiener right now.

The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile crashed into a Mount Pleasant house around noon Friday.
Mount Pleasant Police Chief Tim Zarzecki (zahr-ZEK-ee) says the 22-year-old female driver was turning the giant hot dog on wheels around in a driveway and thought she was reversing but instead went forward and crashed into the deck and garage.

No one was home and no one was injured.

Oscar Mayer spokeswoman Sydney Lindner apologized for any inconvenience to the home owner. Lindner says the company will work with insurance companies to fix the damage to the house and vehicle.

Source: http://www.fox11online.com/dpp/news/news_wienermobile_mount_pleasant_20090717855_rev1

This happens just days after PETA asks Oscar Mayer to “bury the Wienermobile.” ( Story ) I see this as a sign that PETA might have been right on this one.

>State Could Open Green Lakes State Park to Hunting


State Park officials to hold hearing on opening Green Lakes State Park to hunting.

For those of you who don’t know, Green Lakes State Park is located just outside of the Syracuse in Fayetteville, NY.

Green Lakes State Park is currently open to biking, boating, camping, golfing, hiking, picnicking, family playgrounds, cross-country skiing and more, but all that will end will bullets start flying and animals start dying.  See more information on this park at http://nysparks.state.ny.us/parks/info.asp?parkID=23 .

The hearing will be held Tuesday, July 7th at 7pm at Pine Grove Middle School, 6318 Fremont Rd., East Syracuse, NY 13057

Onondaga Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs plans to speak at this hearing in favor of hunting in the park, we need to be there to show that we don’t want hunting in this park.  I know this is short notice but please come to the meeting if you can.  However if you can’t make the meeting please send a message to Park Planner, Mark Hohengasser (see below for contact info) you have a month to send messages.

For further information on the meeting, call the Green Lakes State Park Golf Course Main Office at 315-637-6111.

Written comments can be sent to the state up to Aug. 7 to:

Mark Hohengasser
Park Planner
Agency Building 1, 17th floor
Empire State Plaza
Albany, N.Y. 12238

or by emailing GreenLakes.Plan@oprhp.state.ny.us

Thank you for your time and action on this