[saro_events] S.U. will kill these two cats unless..

SARO has been alerted to a situa=
tion at Haven Hall on Syracuse University campus.

Apparently, students and staff have been feeding two cats who were abandone=
d there for the past few months. However, S.U. has become aware of them and=
does not want the cats approaching students as they begin to move into the=
dorms. A staff person  at S.U. named Janice  has been =
negotiating with S.U. to try to save the cats from being killed.


The cats have been given a stay of execution until June 18th. A foster home=
needs to be found by then to save these cats lives. They are one male and =
one female, and are very friendly. The cats will be spayed/neutered, vaccin=
ated, dewormed and de-flead. All they need is a safe home to stay in for th=
e summer while a permanent home is found for them.


If you can help, please contact the staff person directly at 727-8401.=




[saro_events] Cat Coalition general interest meeting/guest speaker

This is NOT a SARO event, but ma=
y be of interest to SARO members concerned about the stray cat problem in S=

From: CDeGroff@chasedesign.net=

To: CDeGroff@chasedesign.net
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 11:54:59 -0500Subject: CNYCC May general meeting guest speaker

On Wedn=
esday night, May 22, Dr. Jennifer Bailey, DVM at Fairmount Animal Hospital,=
will be our guest speaker. She will talk about infectious diseases,  =
vaccination protocol and what to do if your household happens to experience=
such an illness.
The meeting will take place at t=
he NOPL at North Syracuse, 100 Trolley Barn Lane, N. Syracuse. It will run =
from 6:30 to 7:45 pm. Hope to see you there.


[saro_events] Vegan summer camp recruiting campers and staff



Guess what time it is…





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It’s almost summer time!
Wow, when did it become May?! YEA Camp 2012 seems like it ended not that lo=
ng ago, but YEA Camp 2013 is right around the corner, and we cannot wait fo=
r another epic experience with some of the most inspiring teenagers on the =

YEA Camp is a unique program, and there is nothing quite like it to support=
teens in taking a holistic, positive, and strategic approach to making a d=
ifference in their community and the world — whether it be addressing anim=
al cruelty, climate change, racism, homophobia, bullying, war, poverty, or =
other forms of injustice. Who do you know who would love YEA Camp? We still have spots available for each of our sessions in Californ=
ia, Oregon, and Massachusetts. See dates to the right and visit YEACamp.org&nbsp=
;for more info.

Check out and help out these inspiring future YEA Campers!
We believe any age-appropriate youth who=
really wants to attend YEA Camp should be able to, even if their family ca=
n’t afford the tuition. Thanks to some very generous donors, we have never =
turned anyone away for lack of funds. We also work with future campers to e=
ncourage them to fundraise towards their tuition — a valuable activism ski=
ll in itself. We’ve got over a dozen campers who have created fundraising p=
ages and could use your help. Please check out why these impressive young people wan=
t to come to YEA Camp and support their efforts to experience YEA =
Camp this summer. As our alumni campers attest, it will make a difference for ye=
ars to come.

Help Gina come to YEA Camp this summer! “My g=
oal is to help end modern day slavery. By attending Youth Empowered Action =
Camp this summer I hope to pursue my passion with other driven, like minded=
, and ambitious teenagers my age in an environment where the main goal is t=
o tackle some of the biggest issues facing the world.”

elp Tyler=
come to YEA Camp this summer!
“I want to prevent bullying and=
teen suicides, because they need to know they aren’t alone and that it get=
s better. I want to create a huge group of accepting people, all striving t=
owards equality, rights, and most of all, happiness.”

Help Paulina come to YEA Camp this summer! “I am a strong supporter of equality and I want to make sure everyone i=
s treated equally. I want to attend YEA Camp this year so that I can learn =
first hand how I can make a difference.”

Help Vivien come to YEA Camp This summer! “Please help me in my=
journey of spreading awareness for human trafficking all through out our c=
ommunity, because if we start small together, we WILL get somewhere and att=
ain justice.”

Help Lily =
come to YEA Camp this summer!
“I’m vegan, and I care a lot about a=
nimal rights. I also care about our environment. In the future, I plan on m=
ajoring in Environmental Conservation. I want to attend YEA to have the sup=
port of the YEA staff to help me express and inform people about animal rig=
hts/cruelty, and the problems affecting our environment.”

We’ll be sharing a new future YEA Camper fundraising profile on our Faceboo=
k page every day until camp starts, until they are all funded. Please check=
out and like our Facebook page and support and share these inspiring=
teens’ efforts! To see more and contribute to our fantastic future ca=
mpers who are fundraising to attend YEA Camp, click here!

Thank you for supporting YEA Camp!

-Nora, Laura, and the YEA Camp team










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Who do you know who might like to =
attend YE=
A Camp?

Maybe a friend of a friend’s daughter, your=
co-worker’s son, or your little sister? YEA Camp isn’t for everyone, but i=
t makes a huge difference for the people it is for. Please help spread the word!=

-Northern California – near Santa Cruz J=
uly 14-21, 2013

-Corbett, Oregon – near Portland July 27-August 3, 2013

-Charlton, Massachusetts – near Boston&n=
bsp; August 10-17, 2013

We’re hiring summer staff!

Working at YEA Camp is one of the most in=
spiring experiences you are likely to have. Spending your days with br=
ight and motivated teens eager to make an even bigger difference in the wor=
ld, as well as other talented staff supporting everyone in having an incred=
ible week, is unforgettable. Add to that a beautiful venue in nature, incre=
dible food, and so much silliness. Sound perfect for you or someone you kno=
w? Learn more about working at YEA Camp and apply soon, as we are almost f=
ully staffed at each session.

Best Camp in Portland, OR!
YEA Camp is thrilled to have been voted one of =
the best camps in Portland, OR, and the best academic camp, in a poll by NW Kids Mag=
azine. (There wasn’t a category for World-Changing Camp!) Thanks to tho=
se of you who voted for us!

Interviews with YEA Camp Founder in the Media
Check out these interviews YEA Camp Founder and=
Executive Director Nora Kramer did with MassMoms magazine, RaisingVegKids, and=
the new international social media site Teen VGN. Thanks to these great organiz=
ations for their interest!

If you are part of a publication that would be interested in featuring YEA =
Camp, please contact us! 






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