>May peace be in your diet this holiday season.
>Regional Fur Free Friday Demonstration
>Fur Free Friday is an anti-fur action day held every year the day after Thanksgiving-the busiest shopping day of the year. Join local anti-fur activists from across the state to protest the cruel and unnecessary killing of animals for their fur. We will hold signs and distribute literature encouraging consumers to choose cruelty free fashions. For more information about Fur Free Friday, visit www.furkills.org. Posters and literature provided or you can bring your own!
Where: Skaneateles Furs at 44 East Genesee Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152
What: Peaceful legal protest with signs, banners and fliers about the gruesome truth of the fur industry. It may be COLD! Wear a hat and gloves!
When: Friday Nov. 27th from 1-2pm
Carpool Info: Meet at the S.U. Schine Student Center loading dock area
on Waverly Ave. in Syracuse at 12noon sharp.
Carpool Map:
View Larger Map
>We Have A Winner

Our Tofurky Raffle Contest is over and we had to pick a winner. From the many entries we chose just one luck winner. That winner is Josh Cook. He is now the very proud owner of a delicious Tofurky Roast & Gravy combination pack. Congratulations Josh! We hope you enjoy your Tofurky and just to let you know, our feelings won’t be hurt if you want to share said Tofurky with some friends. (Hint, hint.)
>Murder in a Chicken Slaughter House
As animal advocates we know that thousands upon thousands of “murders” happen each day in slaughter houses across the country. Did you know that footage of video filmed in these slaughter houses has mad it’s way to prime time television? In this week’s episode of “BONES”, staring David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, both of whom have done PETA ads, if you watch closely you will see footage supplied to the producers of the show by Farm Sanctuary and PETA.
While the show originally aired this past Thursday, November 5th, you can catch the complete episode on Hulu until December 18th.
>Get Your Tickets Now!!!
This year SARO wants to help you have a cruelty free thanksgiving. SARO will be raffling off a Tofurky Roast and Gravy pack for you to enjoy for Thanksgiving. Raffle tickets are $2.00 each and can be purchased anytime at Strong Hearts Cafe located at 719 E. Genesee St. near downtown Syracuse. Cash only. The raffle will be drawn November 2nd 19th, the Thursday before Thanksgiving.
Learn more about the horrors turkeys go through for thanksgiving dinner, go here: http://www.chooseveg.com/turkey-slaughterhouse.asp ‘Free Range’ Turkeys do not have it any better: http://www.free-range-turkey.com/wst_page3.html
>Happy Halloween
>Zombie Flash Mob Anti-fur Protest
>SARO received this flier the other day and though it was a good concept, so we thought we’d pass it along to you.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What is an Anti-Fur Zombie Flash Mob you ask? Well, a flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public space, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse.
For this particular event, people will be dressed as zombies, declaring “I’d rather be dead than wearfur.”
– Meet at the Regional Market Building located at 2100 Park Street at 12 noon sharp, no dawdling.
– Look for the sign “Zombies Meet Here”
– Come dressed in zombie garb: ripped, dirty and disheveled clothing. Wear your own zombie makeup or bring $3 to use provided makeup.
– All zombies will receive a briefing before the event begins.
– People not planning on being a zombie need not attend.
>Make A (Local) Call for the Animals
>Call-in to the Carousel Mall for hosting Georgio’s Furs and L’Adour for their continued sale of foie gras all day Sunday.
Georgio’s Furs:
Carousel Mall in Syracuse, NY may be best known for its shopping experience, but harboring a full-scale fur salon is making the mall atmosphere synonymous with cruelty to animals. The Carousel Center continues to host Georgio’s Furs despite knowing the suffering that goes into every fur hat and coat. Repeated attempts by shoppers and community groups to communicate their concerns about Carousel Mall hosting Georgio’s have been ignored. Help us remove Georgio’s from the mall forever.
Carousel Mall customer service: 316-466-7000 315-466-7000
What to say:
“Hello this is [YOUR NAME] calling from [YOUR LOCATION] When Georgio’s was first given a lease in the Carousel Center, over 1,200 people signed a petition to the mall management against allowing a fur store. I am calling with my concerns about Georgio’s Furs being allowed in the mall this holiday season.
1. a fur salon is contradictory to the environmentally friendly image the mall is seeking to promote
2. the fur industry is horrendously cruel (describe how) and is inappropriate in a family friendly setting.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing that Georgio’s Furs will not have a storefront in the mall in the future.”
L’Adour – Foie Gras
After being made aware of the inherent cruelty to ducks during foie gras production, L’Adour refuses to take the product off the menu.
Syracuse Animal Rights Organization has spoken with the owners, handed leaflets to hundreds of patrons and held over 50 public outreach demonstrations at this restaurant. Recently, L’Adour has begun to not admit they serve foie gras over the phone but it is still on their menu. L’Adour’s foie gras supplier is the well-documented Hudson Valley Foie Gras, notorious for animal, worker and environmental violations. For more information about foie gras, visit www.nofoiegras.org and www.ladourpollutes.com. Let L’Adour know that while the ducks are suffering, they will continue to hear from compassionate people.
Call L’Adour at: 315-475-7653
>PETA Dumping Dairy Covered In Post-Standard
PETA’s downtown protest focuses on poor treatment of cows
By The Post-Standard
October 22, 2009, 3:06PM
By Lynette Chen / Contributing writer
Syracuse, NY — Dressed as a cow, a supporter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals dumped gallons of “milk”— actually floured water — today in front of a downtown Syracuse grocery store.
The action at C.L. Evers & Co. on Water Street was part of a protest against what PETA refers to as factory dairy farms and their poor treatment of cows.
Virginia Fort, assistant campaign coordinator at PETA, wore a body-screen TV showing newly released footage taken by a whistleblower at a farm that supplies the Land O’Lakes company. The video shows sick, exhausted cows struggling to stand and being forced to hobble through a massive build-up of their own waste.
“You may want to stop drinking dairy after seeing this,” Fort said. “We want people who go in there and buy milk to know what’s going on behind the scenes of factory farms.
Dairy cows are kept consistently pregnant and forced to produce up to 10 times more than they actually would, Fort said. After several years of abuse, their bodies are shipped off to slaughters where they are made into ground beef , soup or hamburgers, she said.
The footage was taken during a PETA undercover investigation at a farm in Pennsylvania. PETA regularly sends volunteers wearing hidden cameras to factory farms and warehouses to capture footage of what may be shoddy practices, Fort said. Investigators found cows that were sick and unable to move, denied medical care despite being in pain and abused by the farm’s owners. PETA said it is filing complaints against the farm.
No one at the grocery store agreed to comment on the record about the demonstration.
Source: http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2009/10/petas_downtown_protest_focuses.html
>Gallons of Milk Dumped at Syracuse Grocery Store by Angry PETA Activists
For Immediate Release:
October 21, 2009
Shakira Croce 757-622-7382
Syracuse, N.Y. — Dressed as a cow, a PETA supporter will dump gallons of “milk” outside a grocery store in Syracuse as part of a protest against cruel factory dairy farms. Another protester will wear a body-screen TV showing newly released video footage taken by a whistleblower at a farm that supplies Land O’Lakes. The video–which shows sick, exhausted cows struggling to stand and being forced to hobble through a massive build-up of their own waste–will reveal to consumers how much filth and suffering goes into the production of milk and other dairy products. The cows suffered from painful infections and severe lameness, and animals were kept in miserable conditions and deprived of even basic care. Some of the animals went untreated and were not put out of their misery when they were in pain and unable to stand.
When: Thursday, October 22, 1 p.m.
Where: C.L. Evers & Company, 214 W. Water St., Syracuse
“This investigation shows that when you don’t wean yourself off milk, butter, and cheese, you may be paying someone to cause great suffering to animals on factory farms,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “Anyone with a conscience will find this footage disturbing, but people can help stop these abuses by dropping dairy products from their diets.”
PETA launched the investigation after a whistleblower working at the farm became concerned about conditions there and contacted PETA for help earlier this year. Investigators discovered cows who were sick and unable to move, were denied medical care despite being in pain, and were abused by the farm’s owners. The owners–a man and his son–have now been charged with cruelty to animals.
For more information, please visit PETA.org.